Seminar- Expanded genealogy

For this seminar lesson we were recapping and reinforcing our knowledge on genealogy and start to begin questioning things that appear to have no history to us such as e.g. Colors, sexuality or the ideals of good/evil.

Genealogy- is the fabrication of concepts and appears to be something subjective because we are a part of the study of it.

The interesting thing about a genealogy is that you can have many viewpoints but you can never know the full story and that is why is described as the ‘Eternal Truth’ something that does not exist. The idea behind genealogy is to question the truth instead of seeking the truth.
For the power point we were also given four steps in assessing our methodological thinking:

         1) Establish the parameters of your research
         2) What are the contingencies/conditions of the space of the inquiry?
         3) What has occurred?
         4) Analyse the new fabrication- what does it mean?

Following these steps when analyzing my work can help me better understand my work and what methods work best for my thought process.

Eternal truth- Rooted and out of history, unquestionable truth.

Methodology- The method and understanding of solving a problem and knowing how it was done.      
Subjective- Influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings, rather based on facts.

Contingency- something that might happen in the future that might cause a problem or making further arrangements.