For our seminar this week we were looking at ways in which
we can tackle researching information and what processes would be more
effective, for example our first task was to group up and write down 10
questions in order to determine what object the other person was thinking of,
this led to be quite difficult as our pre-written questions only answered
overall themes and nothing specific
Because we were not able to hone our questions depending on
what we were told we were unable to guess what each other’s objects were.
For our second task we were now asked to think of the object
first and then proceed to ask each other questions as we went along which turned
out to be much more of a success then the first task.
As you can see I was able to think more clearly, this is an
example that can also be used when researching information as it it much easier
to assess thinks then and there than having a fully revised plan on what you
are doing because it may be subject to change.